Count Your Blessings

I was complaining to my bf about something few days ago and at that moment I felt that life is so unfair to me. Today, a cold shower in this crazily hot Singapore weather makes me feel incredibly blessed! I started to ponder how many minute things like this I’ve taken granted for in my life. So, as a good practice for myself (not to brag!), I’ve made a short list of just some of my many blessings, hoping that I can always come back to read them to improve my overall emotional outlook the next time I feel down. 🙂

  1. I’m blessed that I’m able-bodied and able-minded. I can achieve so much just by having a healthy body and mind. I’m also thankful that I’m born loving fruits and vegetables! haha
  2. I’m grateful that my family members are in good health, that we are financially stable and have a roof over our heads. I’m blessed to have parents who work so hard to support me and also give me all the freedom to choose what I want in life.
  3. This can be considered the biggest blessing of my life, my boyfriend, Vincent. He is someone who’s always supportive of my decisions, who gives me lots of assurance and security and  always adamant on fetching me to work and home whenever he has the chance to even if it will cause him inconvenience. Being a smarty boyfriend as well, he widens my knowledge on a lot of things, especially history, marine and animals because he’s such a Nat Geo fan.
  4. If I’m the lucky one who walks down the aisle with my boyfriend eventually, I’ll be so blessed to be part of his family because his family members are all so awesome!

    Mum & Dad- They are the nicest parents around. I can always sense their love for their children. The mum never forgets my share when she buys bird nest for them, and there’s one time she thought I become skinnier, so she made tonics for me because she was worried. The dad, who made a special trip back home with a set of newly duplicated keys when I’m alone in their house because he thinks that it’s unsafe to stay at home without keys (I’m really touched by this because firstly he’s already on his way to work and he made the effort to come back, and secondly, we all know how difficult it is to find keysmith nowadays!). 
    Sister- The very sweet one who could sit around for hours to listen to me talking about raw foodism, nutrition etc and being open-minded and receptive about it. I would love to be good friends with her. 🙂
  5. I’m thankful for my current colleagues, who are two very nice Filipinos; one of them always buys fruits for me and the other always cooks for me her very yummy Filipino dishes. Not to forget my former colleagues, Annie & Jocelyn; I never need to drag myself to work because of them and I can always turn to them for help and support in my life and work. They are people who are truly concerned about me. No doubt the days spent working with them are the best working days of my life and something that I deeply missed.
  6. I’m grateful for my friends, who are a bunch of kind-hearted and fun people. I always enjoy hanging out with them.
  7. I’m grateful that I’m born in the internet era,  which leads to my foray into raw foodism and gives me access to information outside the textbooks. I cannot imagine life without Google.
  8. I’m blessed to be a Singaporean. Apart from the safety aspect, I do appreciate the Summer all year round, especially after experiencing the brutal winter in Korea this year. Winter is not like what I always imagined, people frolicking in the snow, the harsh weather can be unbearable for people to even walk on the streets at times. It is okay to experience it once in a very long while though. 🙂

An analogy came to my mind as I’m writing this:

photo 1 (1)

Your blessings are like many colourful helium-filled balloons floating in the sky, many times they are so scattered that when the weather turns bad, all you notice is the gloomy sky.

photo 2 (1)

By counting your blessings you are gathering all the balloons, it makes you focus on them, and when you look up, you will realise what you have is already sufficient to turn around any negative emotions.

Counting your blessings is one sure way to develop a constant mind-set of gratitude, which can turn mundane life into a miraculous one. Rather you read my list (or not), I encourage everyone to take some time to count your blessings too, best if you can journal it.  It would also be a much more worthwhile practice to count our blessings instead of sheep when we can’t fall asleep at night. Living a life of gratitude can make you happy. 😀

“If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, ‘thank you,’ that would suffice.” – Meister Eckhart

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